Barri Piner

I grew up going to church and being taught about Jesus by my mother and grandmother. It wasn’t until after I had children that I really “got it” and understood what it means to live and love like Jesus. Although I fail him every single day, I try to make sure He is at the forefront of my daily goals. I strive to see others the way Jesus sees them and love them in spite of our differences, and I see my classroom as a way to love others as they are. I don’t need to wear a name tag that says I am a Christian. My hope is that my students will see it in the way I treat them and love them. There’s a mission field right here on campus, and we can show our students and colleagues God by serving, supporting, and loving them.

My Life

Favorite Quote

My grandmother Katie said, "Do the best you can and let the Lord take care of the rest."

Friends describe me

quiet, kind, loyal

My hobbies

family, music, movies, travel

Fantasy dinner guests

The Beatles

Best advice I ever received

See favorite quote

My undergrad alma mater


My worst subject in school


In college I drove

Honda Civic

If I weren't a professor, I would

work in a record store

Favorite books

music biographies/memoirs, anything by Clyde Edgerton

Favorite movies

It's a Wonderful Life, Forrest Gump, Grease, Shawshank Redemption, John Hughes films

Favorite city


Favorite coffee
