- Department: Biology - Cellular
- University: East Central University
- Location: Ada, Oklahoma
My story begins in Fort Worth, Texas where I was born and raised. I heard about Jesus early in my life but it was not until Hank, our youth director, started teaching us about Jesus in the Bible that my need and desire for Him increased. I became a Christian when I was 16 years old and Jesus began changing my life from someone who was insecure and dependent on peers for affirmation, to someone secure in knowing that God loves me. The longer I walk with Jesus the better life gets. I came from a family of teachers and I taught public school for a couple of years and then went back to graduate school where I really loved teaching college students. "What did God want me to do?" I decided to go back for the PhD and was accepted at Texas A&M. The next summer Merrianne and I were married (May, 1986). I met an engineering professor Dr. Walter Bradley, an Engineering Professor who was a Spirit filled Christian and top-notch scientist in his field. He was a great example of how a college professor could reach others about the good news of Jesus Christ. After TAMU we took a Post-doc in West Virginia, where we attended a weekly Bible study at a predominately African- American church. These folks became very close friends, brothers, and mentors. Through another mentor (Bob B.) my wife and I began to minister to the migrant fruit laborers, leading worship, sharing the gospel, providing clothing and food. What a great time to see God working. At my job at the USDA in WV, I grew to be a better scientist. I enjoyed the work of seeing and learning how God put things together and learning that Jesus uses us to reach others through our professions. During the times of job insecurity, lack of trusting God, doubt, and failing some friends, Jesus was always there and draw me back to Him. Hoping that God would use us on the college campus, I took a position teaching and conducting research with undergraduates at East Central University (1993). God blessed us with 3 sons who are grown and also walking with Jesus. It has been a great life full of love, joy and peace. One of our honor societies at ECU uses the verse in John 8:34 "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free." This is not a "Christian" society but if the student will skip to John 14:6 they would find out about THE TRUTH, " Jesus answered, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me." God has filled my life with people who have discipled me and I hope to continue to shine God’s truth to students on the college campus.
Favorite Quote
Jesus answered, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had know me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him." John 14:6-7
My hobbies
Hiking, fishing, gardening
Fantasy dinner guests
C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkein
Best advice I ever received
Show up to work everyday and do your best.
My undergrad alma mater
Stephen F. Austin State University
My worst subject in school
In college I drove
1979 Subaru Wagon, and a 1972 Toyota Corona
If I weren't a professor, I would
Extension agent
Favorite books
The Robe, Reasons for God, Brothers Karamazov, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit, To Kill a Mockingbird
Favorite movies
Chosen series, Ground Hog Day, Casa Blanca, The Man Who Knew Too Little, Risen
Favorite city
Thermopolis, Wyoming
Favorite coffee
Aldi's Honduras whole bean, fair trade
Current Research
My research currently involves identifying invasive plant pathogens imported into the USA on fruit using morphological and molecular techniques.